Sunday, October 25, 2009

catching up!

Hello again my fellow readers, it has been quite awhile since I last updated my blog mainly because time has been flying by and another reason is because I have not been able to put pictures up until now. My days include a lot of learning, laughing and growing. I have gone on a couple field trips, explored Jerusalem and had some free days to go out of town and see new places. However, most of my days have been spent here in the beautiful Jerusalem Center. I have classes most every day which are very challenging but very educational. My classes include: Hebrew, Ancient Near Eastern Studies (where I learn all about the different places in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas), Old Testament class (which half way through the semester will be switched to New Testament), and then I have two other classes one that is taught by a Muslim professor and one that is taught by a Jewish professor. These last two classes are very interesting because I get to hear both the Palestinian side and the Israeli side. So, as you can tell they are all very interesting classes but they are extremely hard because of the amount of work and test that are given each week. For example, last week I only had my Old Testament class but because I did not have any of my other classes I was reading, studying and going to class so much that my teacher said normally, the information and the amount of reading that I did in four days would have taken an entire month to cover at BYU. The following blogs cover the last few weeks since I have been back from Egypt. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I honestly thought you had forgotten to put pictures up. I looked for them on the blogs you recently posted and I was like, "poor girl, she's so busy and she's been working her brain so hard she thought she put up pictures when she really didn't..." Well, silly me, I just had to look back a couple of posts. Thanks for the pictures. I really enjoyed seeing you, beautiful. I miss you.
